The Testament of The Saints Commissioned by God. The next book of the Bible, a testament of the saints of all religions.

Aug. 8 2020

What would Jesus do. The Biblical Study. A study of biblical proportions. The creation of religious equality.

Est. 8-8-2020
Effective immediately!!

Homosexuality/LGBTPlus is not a sin. Furthermore, thinking about another person’s denial into heaven IS A SIN. Moreover, thinking that another is going to hell is a sin.

The Testament of The Saints

“Make sure the homosexuals know they can go to Heaven.”
“Make sure ALL my children know how to find their way home.”
“I want you to write the next book of the Bible for the Christians.”
“Tell them that you are Jesus.”



Chapter 1

Jesus and The Calling Of The Saints

There's a difference between God sacrificing His son for the sins of the World and God sacrificing His son for the sins of the Christians. The sins of the Christians and the sins of the World are two different concepts. Did Jesus Christ die for the sins of the World or for the sins of the Christians. This is not a question. Jesus Christ was sacrificed for the sins of the World. At the beginning of our calender Jesus Christ died for the sins of all Gods children. It's important to understand that God sacrificed His son for all of the people in the World. What Jesus Christ asks in return is that we take care of each other. He asks that you believe in His name. Jesus's name stands for forgiveness, standing up for the oppressed, caring for the poor and needy. Jesus's name stands for so much more but it can be summed up in 3 good words. Good Thoughts - Good Words - Good Deeds. This is a Zoroastrian concept.

Christian Universalism is a school of Christian theology focused around the doctrine of universal reconciliation – the view that through Jesus's sacrifice, everyone will go to heaven. Ultimately ALL will be saved and restored to a right relationship with God.

We will be practicing religious equality. Christians are not the boss of heaven. Outside of Christianity, Jesus exists in Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Druze, Sikhism and more. God has broken out of His figurative prison. He is no longer a jealous God. Why would He be jealous? He created everything. We will be observing the principles of the “Immaculate Assumption”; God influences each person through their chosen faith, assume that everyone goes to heaven, God is good and if you’re mean to others, God will be mad. Jesus spoke for God when he explained that it's easier to get into heaven if you take care of one another.


The Immaculate Assumption
1. God loves everyone exactly the same as
He loves His son Jesus.
2. God influences each person through
their chosen faith/religion or athiesm.
3. Assume that everyone goes to heaven.
4. God is good.
5. If you’re mean to others, God will be mad.
6. Jesus spoke for God when he explained
that it's easier to get into heaven if you
take care of one another.
7. Jesus wouldn't deny your entry in to
heaven for not believing what others say.
Jesus educates everyone when they die.
8. Choosing to be a good person is the same
as believing in Jesus’s name.
9. Choosing to take care of others is the
same as believing in Jesus’s ways.
10. We are all God’s children. Jesus loves
you. Jesus loves everyone like a brother.

"You cannot change someone
using fear, degradation,
humiliation, or by comparing
them to others. It can only be
done through love, with love,
for love. Love."

"A pineapple is a compilation
of berries that grow and fuse
together. When joined, they
create a single fruit. And
within each eyelet, contains a
location where a flower may
grow. I see the Creator of all
existence as the crown on a
pineapple, and all religions
of the world as the spiky
eyelets, where each
eyelet symbolizes a
different religion or race
under the same crown.
Each garden of faith may
have different perspectives
of God, yet every garden
belongs to the same God."

-Suzy Kassem

What would Jesus do? He would set up a council of 12 writers/teachers/students
(12 for starters maybe as many as 24 or more?)

Before making this book, we have to know all religions. It would be ideal to have writers with religious studies/science and other backgrounds. These “Keystone Saints” should be of various religious backgrounds (including atheists). The “Keystone Saints” will write articles in the newspaper/magazine/website and We are to think globally and set goals of 600 years in the future. The living Bible, The Testament of the Saints should be written by 8-8-2620.

A Keystone Saint should be an expert in their chosen religion/field. It would be ideal to have a Muslim to help create reference books to study Islam. If we had any questions involving the subject of Islam, we would look to these books. This Muslim Keystone Saint would be available to answer questions on the subject. It would be ideal to have a Native American Keystone Saint to make the reference books to study the various spiritual ideas in this subject. The Native American Keystone Saint would be available to answer questions. It would be ideal to have a Buddhist Keystone Saint to help create the reference books for Buddhism. This person would be available to answer questions concerning the subject of Buddhism.

Hinduism, Sikhism, Juche, Bahai, Shinto, Neo-Paganism, Unitarian-Universalism and others are examples of other religions that an expert could be selected to become a Keystone Saint. It would be ideal to have an Atheist Keystone Saint to keep the study true to science.


It’s time for a change or shift in the collective consciousness of humankind. A change where we care for each other, our environment and the future of people we will never meet. It’s time we leave this world behind and create a new planet.


Having a Jewish Keystone Saint is imperative. The Jews have been referred to as “God’s chosen people” because of their burden to carry out the will of God. Christians and Jews share many writings included in The Old Testament. Jews refer to the new testament as The Christian Bible. Christians use the promise of Heaven and Hell to motivate” positive behavior. Jews don’t recognize the use of eternal damnation as motivation for good behavior. Jews believe that an individual should do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. When you know better do better. Both Jews and Christians believe in some form of judgment from God. Jews don’t particularly believe in a person/soul going to Heaven or Hell after death. Teaching similarities and differences between Judaism and other religious theories will be the main objective for the Jewish Keystone Saint.

Having a Muslim Keystone Saint is also imperative. The Jews’ Christians’ and Muslims’ share the same God. The Muslims holy book is called the Quran and their religious faith is called Islam. Muslims believe the Quran was expressed by God through the angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad in the 7th century. Noah is also considered a prophet and his story of the great flood is taught in Islam. Muslims also observe books from the Jewish and Christian faith; Torah revealed to the prophet Moses, Psalms revealed to the prophet David and the Gospel revealed to Jesus. Islam teaches that Jesus was not the son of God but rather one of the most important prophets of God. They believe Jesus was sent to guide the “Children of Israel” and he is the Messiah (Savior). Muslims believe Jesus avoided crucifixion and taken to heaven where he is with God to this day. Muslims believe in the 2nd coming of Jesus and that he will return to defeat the false Messiah before the “Day of Resurrection”. Muslims believe that non-Muslims can go to heaven. The Holy Quran Ch.2: V.63 states, “Surely the believers and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians – whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the last day and does good deeds – shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.” Though Islam claims that it’s the perfect faith for mankind, the decision regarding who goes to heaven and who goes to hell is Gods alone. Only God has the ability to see the mind and heart of a person. Muslim’s’ believe that Hell has many levels so the wicked will reach different levels depending on the severity of a person’s evil deeds. Teaching the similarities and differences between Islam and other religious theories will be the main objective for the Muslim Keystone Saint.


Zoroastrianism or Mazdayasna is one of the world's oldest continuously practiced religions. With recorded history around 2000 BCE, It served as the state religion of the ancient Iranian empires. It is a multi-faceted faith centered on a dualistic cosmology of good and evil and an eschatology predicting the ultimate conquest of evil with theological elements of henotheism, monotheism/monism, and polytheism. Ascribed to the teachings of the Iranian-speaking spiritual leader Zoroaster (also known as Zarathushtra), it exalts an uncreated and benevolent deity of wisdom, Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord), as its supreme being. Historical features of Zoroastrianism, such as messianism, judgment after death, heaven and hell, and free will may have influenced other religious and philosophical systems, including Second Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Greek philosophy, Christianity, Islam and the Bahá'í Faith. Recent estimates place the current number of Zoroastrians at around 110,000–120,000 at most with the majority living in India, Iran, and North America; their number has been thought to be declining.


In Zoroastrianism, Asha (truth, cosmic order), the life force that originates from the creator Ahura Mazda. The creator stands in opposition to Druj (falsehood, deceit) and is considered to be all-good with no evil emanating from the deity. Ahura Mazda works in gētīg (the visible material realm) and mēnōg (the invisible spiritual and mental realm) Ahriman(devil) is the direct adversary to Ahura Mazda and is responsible for destructive spirit/mentality and evil thought.


It would be nice to have a Zoroastrian Keystone Saint. In Zoroastrianism, the purpose in life is to become an Ashavan (a master of Asha/truth, cosmic order) and to bring happiness into the world, which contributes to the cosmic battle against evil. Zoroastrianism's core teachings include: 1. Follow the Threefold Path of Asha: Humata, Huxta, Huvarshta (Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds). 2. Charity is a way of maintaining one's soul aligned to Asha and to spread happiness. 3. The spiritual equality and duty of the genders. 4. Being good for the sake of goodness and without the hope of reward. Zoroastrians don’t convert so having a Keystone Saint to teach us about their theories would be a true blessing.


It’s imperative that we have a Sikh Keystone Saint. Sikhism accepts that Moses, Jesus and Mohammed were divine messengers. Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam all pray to the same God. This one God theology is called monotheism. Sikhism teaches that God is The Divine Creator that is genderless and formless, is everything, everywhere, without fear and without hate. Sikhism is based on the spiritual teachings of 10 Gurus. The first Guru Nanak taught that living an active, creative, and productive life of truthfulness, fidelity, self-control and purity is above the metaphysical truth. The ideal person is one who establishes a union with God, knows His Will, and carries out that Will. Included in the faith is meditating about unity and equality of all humankind. With this standard of unity and equality, Sikhism rejects that any one religion has a monopoly of absolute truth. Sikhs place of worship is called gurdwara. Gurdwara means “the doorway to God”, all faiths and ethnic backgrounds are welcome. *Sikhs believe in karma. Sikhs do not believe in heaven or hell. Heaven can be experienced by being in tune with God while still alive. Conversely the suffering and pain caused by the ego as seen on hell on earth. Sikhs believe in reincarnation. After death individuality is lost and one merges back into the universal nature. Teaching the similarities and differences between Sikhism and other religious theories will be the main objective for the Sikh Keystone Saint.

*Columbia University Sikh Students Association (City of New York)


Christians, Jews and Muslims are Abrahamic religious faiths, meaning they worship the God of Abraham. Abraham is a descendant of Noah’s son Shem. Abraham is said to have lived in Mesopotamia or present-day Iraq. Abraham is one of the main founders of Judaism. Abraham is Jacob’s grandpa. Jacob was given the name Israel. Jacob/Israel has 12 sons that make up the 12 tribes of Israel or the Israelites. Judaism regards itself as a religion of the descendants of the Israelites. Jesus was Jewish but his movement converted some Jews and non-Jews to Christianity. Modern-day Christianity is huge. Christian history includes Jewish history from the Israelites, Abraham, King David (David and Goliath), Moses to Adam and Eve. Jews reject the story of Jesus but Muslims embrace it. Jesus is an important prophet in the Islamic faith but think that worshiping him before God is wrong. Christians, Jews, Muslims and Sikhs believe the worship of anything other than God is a form of idolatry. It’s for this reason that Islam considers the Holy Trinity in Christianity to be idolatry. Muslims are very serious about the worship of one God.


To the east of the Abrahamic faiths are the 4 Dharmic religions. Dharmic basically means “right way of living”. It’s important to understand that these religions believe an individual’s way of living is more important than what one believes to be true. These religions are connected through the history of India. Sikhism is the youngest of the faiths founded in the 15th century. The oldest with prehistoric roots is Hinduism. Jainism and Buddhism are the other 2 Dharmic religions.


It’s important that we have a Hindu Keystone Saint. Hinduism has a complex system of beliefs ranging from atheism, monotheism to polytheism. Polytheism is the worship or belief in more than one or multiple deities or Gods. Hinduism has many gods but believe that one God named Brahman, is the main creator. Prominent Hindu beliefs are karma, and a reincarnation like cycle of death and rebirth. Various teachings describe different forms of hell. After being reconditioned in hell a soul is reborn as a lower or higher being depending on karma. Teaching the similarities and differences between Hinduism and other religious theories will be the main objective for the Hindu Keystone Saint.

Here's a conversation I had when ordering a version of the ancient Hindu scriptures Bhagavad-Gita.

It’s important that we have a Buddhist Keystone Saint. Buddhism is the 4 largest religion in the world. Buddha was a philosopher, meditator, spiritual teacher and religious leader who lived 500-400BC in India. Early Buddhist teachings spread across Asia. Buddhists believe in karma and reincarnation. A persons actions during life determines its existence after death. Reincarnation exists in 6 realms, Deva (heavenly), Asura (demigod), Manusya (human), Tiryak (animals), Preta (ghosts), and Naraka (hell). If one is sent to hell, ones stay is not eternal, but is usually incomprehensibly long. Teaching the similarities and differences between Buddhism and other religious theories will be the main objective for the Buddhist Keystone Saint.


To the east of Asia is Japan. Japan is one of many islands spanning across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii and the Americas. Its indigenous or native religion is called Shinto. Indigenous means, originating or occurring naturally in a particular place. Most Japanese consider themselves Shintoist, Buddhist or both.


There are many indigenous religions around the world. Its important that we have one or more Keystone Saints to represent indigenous religions. Before the 1800’s there were over 200 indigenous nations in Australia. Before the European invasion there were over 630 indigenous nations in the Americas. Across the Atlantic Ocean we have various indigenous tribes of Africa. It’s a common belief that human life originated in Africa. Some of these tribes claim to be over 140,000 years old. The skin color of central and southern Africans is very dark, what some consider black. In North Africa there’s a tribe called the Berbers. Barbarians was a common name Romans used describe these lighter skinned Africans. It’s believed that the Berbers are the descendants of people who are now considered Arabs. One or more Keystone Saints will be necessary to help teach us the various indigenous religions around the world.


A North American Indigenous prayer expressed by a Chief of The Lakota Sioux.
Oh, Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the winds
Whose breath gives life to the world, hear me
I come to you as one of your many children
I am small and weak
I need your strength and wisdom
May I walk in beauty
Make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made
And my ears sharp to your voice.
Make me wise so that I may know the things you have taught your children.
The lessons you have written in every leaf and rock
Make me strong!
Not to be superior to my brothers, but to fight my greatest enemy….myself
Make me ever ready to come to you with straight eyes,
So that when life fades as the fading sunset,
May my spirit come to you without shame.

Translated by Chief Yellow Lark – 1887


The God of the universe and beyond, is the same "Great Spirit", the same God of the Christians, Sikhs, Jews, and Muslims. Generally speaking, the God of the universe created everything we know and everything we will discover.


Some religious concepts have been moved into the mythology category. One example of this is the religious beliefs of ancient Egypt in northern Africa. Ancient Egyptians were polytheistic and changed which Gods were the most important. Egyptian rulers known as Pharaohs were thought to gain divine powers. Christians, Jews and Muslims believe that the Israelites or Jews were held captive by a pharaoh in Egypt. The Book of Exodus describes how Moses frees the Israelites from the slavery of an Egyptian Pharaoh. A second example to the north of the Mediterranean Sea is Greek mythology. A third example that parallels Greek, is Roman mythology. Greek and Roman mythology share gods such as Hercules, Uranus and Apollo. Zeus is the main God of Greek mythology and Jupiter is the main God of Roman mythology. A fourth example from Scandinavia is Norse or Viking mythology. Two prominent Viking gods are Thor and Odin. History explains that Abrahamic theories and Christianization moved these religious theories into mythology.


We need to continue to celebrate mythology, paganism and other ancient religions. Paganism or Heathenism were originally used as derogatory terms for polytheism. Technically, there isn’t a religion called Pagan. *Pagan is derived from the Late Latin paganus, and was used at the end of the Roman Empire to name those who practice a religion other than Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Early Christians often used the term to refer to non-Christians who worshiped multiple deities. Egyptian, Roman, Greek and Viking mythology was/is considered Pagan. Anglo-Saxon Paganism refers to the beliefs held in middle Europe during what can be described as “The Middle Ages”. Included in Anglo-Saxon Paganism is the concept of fairies, elves, spirits, orgs, trolls, spells/witches/warlocks/witchcraft, giants, dragons and more. King Arthur and the knights of the round table is based in Christianity, but add Merlin who is a wizard and pulling the magic sword from the stone makes it Pagan. Sleeping Beauty, and Rapunzel, are Anglo-Saxon Paganist stories. To compare another story from the middle ages, Robin Hood, would not be considered Pagan because there’s no magic or mystical creatures. Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Viking stories/traditions are fantastic. The Pagan story Jack and the Beanstalk was recently modernized with Christian monks creating a way to get to heaven. We need to continue to celebrate mythology, paganism and other ancient religions.



Modern Paganism, Kemetism or Egyptian Neopaganism (Researching)
New Age (Researching)
Rastafarian (Researching)
Mormonism (Researching)
Belief in God/Religion is not required to be a saint. Religions have already been established and we are organizing for the future. Our religious chapters will be like an encyclopedia collection of all religions*. What is required is a belief in human equality. Race Religion Sexual orientation. Weather you pray, meditate or hope your thoughts find its place. Weather you have this God or that God, 1 God or over 100 your hopes and prayers reach the right place. As a Christian I believe all hopes and prayers reach 1 God, but believe God is much more than an old man with a beard in Heaven. God/The Universe will connect with you in the manner you choose.
*religions with literature to share with the world.
Possible Chapters/Topics To Study
Earth Preservation/Save The Earth
Scientific and Biblical Earth History
Earth Sharing
Natural Disaster Recovery
Human Equality Man/Woman/Tranz/Sexual Orientation
Global Humanity Intervention/Equality
Quality Religious Education/Unity/Everyone Gets To Go To Heaven/Other
We are looking for your testimony, and to call yourself a Saint.
You might be Secular/Agnostic/Atheist, a Spiritualist or study Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Indigenous, Sikhism, Juche, Bahai, Shinto, Neo-Paganism, Unitarian-Universalism to name a few..
If you believe that everyone gets to go to heaven/other then you are a Saint.
This is your testament.